Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt
'The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt’ was a major exhibition looking at the creative encounter between individual artists and sitters featuring drawings from masters of the Renaissance and Baroque periods including observational drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci, Holbein and Rembrandt. For this exhibition I was focused on the marketing design and assisting the Head of Design with the exhibition graphics. For the marketing I designed leaflets, posters, banners and external signage to promote the exhibition. As a team we discussed key images and used full bleed designs so that we could show off the delicate works in their best light. In the exhibition the decision was made to limit the amount of copy that would feature on the captions so that these wouldn’t dwarf the small, intimate drawings. I was asked to design an accompanying exhibition handlist to be handed to visitors at the entrance, which contained the panels, full caption and lender information for each work. The exhibition graphics were created in a light grey vinyl and the captions were on MDF boards, sprayed to match the wall colour, which were then printed directly onto the boards and mounted at angles below the works.